Wednesday, October 7, 2009

R2P4 VLCD 13

Cheated a bit yesterday cause I got good news and really craved a serving of rice. So I ate it. I still lost weight (a few ounces)...which is surprising but I'm grateful!

Still hoping to lose 6.3 more lbs by Wed, 10/14. I have a week-if I'm good, it could happen!

Monday, October 5, 2009

R4P2 VLCD 11

I've been a bad little blogger! It's been 3 weeks since my last post. I'd finished R3 at 183.7 lbs, and then in the week I was off, gained nearly 15 of it back! Part of it was my fault...but I wasn't eating too badly, so I think it may have been a few factors, like my period coinciding with the end of the round. Luckily, I started on R4 on 9/25 and dropped the recent gain quickly. I'm losing new weight again...can't believe that I'll be seeing the 170s soon...though of course at the start of the diet, I fully believed I'd be in the 160s by now. But it's definitely a learning process.

I have a party coming up on Saturday and I know it will be hard to resist the goodies. I'm considering weaning off on Wed, then counting Sat as as load day. Don't know if that will screw things up worse than simply cheating and dealing with the aftermath. Hmmm...not sure yet what I will do.

But on a great note...I've in 4 months on & off of HCG, I've lost a whopping 42.8 lbs! And that is amazing. And I feel good about it, and myself. I still have 31.9 lbs to lose...but I can get there. It may not be until the end of January 2010, but I'm still hoping I can at least break into the 150s by the time this year ends.

Happy autumn!

Friday, September 11, 2009

R3P2 VLCD 17

As of today, I've officially lost 40 lbs! Well, 40 lbs and 2 ounces. :) I weighed in this afternoon at 184.5, and it was a beautiful sight. Last night, I went shopping with the hubby and went to Macys. I picked out 6 tops...1 Large and 5 mediums. Normally, I'd have gone in with a plus size or the biggest looking XL or XXL. Wouldn't you know that all of them fit, and all of them looked good?! :) I bought a really flattering black lightweight sweater with a periwinkle blue design. I even tried on a fitted shirt in a size 12 (which normally would never have fit since my arms and usually gut are so big)...but it fit and looked sexy!

I am still hoping that with 3 injection days left, I can get down to 180. With my period looming, that might be impossible. But maybe not...who knows what can happen? I AM looking forward to some P3 food next Thursday, though. I'll take a 10 dayish break and then get right back on...if I start at 180, I am praying to lose 12 lbs. If I start at 182...14 lbs. I know that as I get closer to my goal weight, and the longer I do HCG without the required break, I might slow down or hit immunity. But I really hope not. If I can get to 165 without hitting immunity, I would be very, very happy. My goal is still 150-155 before the holidays...but that's an ultimate goal. As long as I can get down to 165 or under before the big break, I can live.

We'll see. I've not been hungry at all for the last few days, which is odd but I'm not complaining. Still hoping for a miracle! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

R3P2 VLCD 15

185 on the dot this morning made me very happy. Wasn't hungry in the least in, didn't eat half my food. 35 lbs away from my goal, and only a week from tomorrow when I get my yummy P3 style eating break! :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

R3 P2 VLCD 14

So, down to 186.5 lbs and my belly has gone from 49 inches to 36 inches...that's pretty darned exciting. Only have 6 more injection days this round, and know that the chances of seeing 179 are slim, so I'm hoping for 182.7...that would bring me to a total loss of 42 lbs for 3 months of HCG, and then I'll break for 10 days, and start the next round. Hopefully immunity won't hit. I want to do 2 more rounds, hopefully getting into the 150s, then take my full break for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and go for one more round in January, maybe to get me below 150. We'll see. Trying to play it all by ear right now, but still very happy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

R3 P2 VLCD 8

And...I was 189.1 lbs this morning! WOOHOO! I dropped 1.5 lbs last night...that was with 8 bottles of water, 1.5 cans of Zevia, 2 apples, 1 Jello pudding (sugar free), and a sugar free reeses peanut butter cup. 457 calories. My husband thinks I do better when I eat both protein servings and I think he's right!

I started with 75 lbs to lose, and now I have 39 to sounds so much more manageable that way.

I am feeling good. Beautiful day, beautiful prospects of being skinny in the near future, and ready to tackle the world!

Monday, August 31, 2009


So, my planned interruption went pretty well...stuck mostly to P3 but of course, had a few cheats that made me start my current round at 6 lbs above LIW...197.6...BUT...after just 5 days back on the VLCD, and no loading this time around, I'm back to 191.7 lbs. Which means that I am learning, and stabilizing better. And after today, any weight I lose will be new weight!

This 3 week round, I hope to get to 179 lbs...but at this point, I'm super excited to see the 180s, which I hope will definitely be this week.

I plan to do 2 more short rounds, ending right before Thanksgiving. I am still really hoping to get to the 150s, so that I can stabilize and take a great 6 week break over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years before doing one final round. I may not need a final round, but I have a feeling I will...cheating is quite hard to avoid during my favorite months.

And we'll see what happens...I keep hoping that by doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off, that I can stave off immunity for as long as possible...I hope that happens. But this is totally a test...most people follow protocol.

The point is...I have 41.7 more lbs to lose to reach my goal weight. It's not impossible to think that in 3 short rounds, avoiding immunity of course, that that can does mean losing almost 14 lbs each round or somewhere thereabouts.

But I am optimistic. HCG is my miracle.