Friday, July 10, 2009


Last night was really tough. I got very hungry, and super depressed. I was ready to quit early. Not losing any weight in a week when I'm trying to hit my goal has been tough. of this morning, I only dropped half a pound (201.0), and that was after 5 bowel movements during the night and in the morning (sorry for the TMI!), but when I measured, I found that I've lost 36 total inches since the beginning, including an amazing 8 inches off my belly alone. I took pics too, and I can finally SEE the change, esp. from the side. I went from looking pregnant to chubby. And after chubby can come normal, then thin. :)

I tried on jeans (3 pairs) that I haven't worn in more than a year...they all fit. Shirts that have been tight are loose. So, things are happening for me.

My last shot is on Monday. I am still hoping and praying to break into the 190s before that. If my LIW can be 199, and then I can lose 2 more pounds in the VLCD 3 day period that follows, I will be content.

I have decided to do P3 for 3 weeks, then load again, and then do HCG/VLCD for the 3 week session. I want to see how I fare on it. If it's not well, I'll stop and finish my 3 week break. I think 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off makes sense to me, and seems more bearable, more manageable.

Wish me luck! :)

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